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SmartBuyCollection For Kids

If you’re searching for the most convenient and stylish frames for your little one, then you’ve come to the right place! The SmartBuy Collection for kids offers high quality, durable, comfortable but cute, protective glasses for kids. Our SmartBuy Collection has the most in demand range for adults, and we’ve incorporated some ‘mini me’ styles into the kids’ collection too!


Our aim is to ensure we offer a pair of glasses that’s perfect for each individual child, tailoring to their unique personality and making them feel like they’re seen. With our brave, bold, and bright kids’ collection, anything is possible!


Our kids glasses frames are suitable for children aged 2 years old through to the teenage years. All frames are affordable, yet best in quality and durable, ready for your little one to make the most of them.


Does my kid need glasses?

The best way to find out if your little one needs glasses is to take them to the opticians to have regular eye tests. As children’s eyes are developing, they could change year on year. It’s important as they grow and develop, to stay up to date with their appointments and to follow the advice of the given optician. 


Another way to recognise if your child potentially needs glasses, is if they complain of headaches, eye strain, eye pain, or discomfort. Excessive eye rubbing is also an indicator to strained eyes, as well as any visual eye changes, such as a squint. If you see any visual changes in little ones eyes, then this may also need some attention from an eye doctor or optician. 

Children having difficulty with concentrating on school work or activities may also be a big indicator of needing glasses. As we can’t always visually see what’s going on with the eyes, we mustn’t assume they’re ok, this could impact several aspects of their life and can be extremely discomforting. The safest way to see if your child needs glasses is to book in an eye test with your optician or paediatric doctor.

How should I choose kids' glasses frames?

There are many factors that are important when looking for children’s glasses. If they love the glasses themselves, comfort, durability, and protection. Kids have busier days than us adults sometimes, especially when in education. Kids' days are mostly full of learning, concentration, and for the rest, they’re likely to be playing with friends!


For these reasons, style for their confidence, protection from eye strain and technology, and durability for when their glasses might go swinging around now and again from playing with friends, good quality glasses are a must.


SmartBuyGlasses provide a great range of glasses for kids, and they are realistic for parents to afford. All of the SmartBuy Collection frames for kids are cost effective, as well as providing all the key parts that a child or guardian is looking for when shopping for children’s frames online.


What are the best glasses for kids?

If you’re starting off with style, then it’s a must that you check out the kids' round glasses. They provide the look of a real ‘smarty pants’, as well as having bold and brave colours to stand out from the crowd! The kids' round glasses also come in acetate material, which is a high-quality plastic, avoiding irritation, and optimising flexibility and comfort. The acetate frames can also withstand any amount of pressure and stress without losing its elasticity.


Now onto protection. It’s important to mention that children are using technology more than ever before. Society is changing, and so is the way we view and use technology. On average, children aged 8-12 spend at least 4-6 hours a day, watching or using screens. When you think of the time a child gets ready for school, then 4-6 hours is the majority of their day. 


Technology is now being incorporated into the way children learn, but what’s not being mentioned is how fragile their eyes are, how they’re developing, and how they need protection. A balanced screen time may help lower the risk of digital eye strain and myopia. Studies have suggested that excessive screen time may be connected to near-sightedness and digital eye strain. To help battle this, recommending a little eye activity for little one could be helpful. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Look up from the screen every 20 minutes and focus at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

For additional protection for everyday life in education and at home with technology and electronic devices, the most highly recommended kids’ glasses have to be the blue light glasses for kids. 


Because of the high energy blue light withholds, this could cause higher irritation and digital eye strain to the eyes. Blue light may cause irritated eyes, very exhausted eyes, digital eye strain, headaches, and lack of sleep, as blue light suppresses our natural release of melatonin. This is a big reason why there has been an increase in numbers of those who struggle with getting to sleep.

This can be extremely fatiguing if little one is trying to get a healthy amount of sleep to pursue their busy day, and could affect the strength of their eyes and daily performance.


if you're looking for the most stylish and trendy frames, such as our kiddies cheeky pilots, kids round glasses or colourful candy frames, some will already have, or you’’ have the option of adding blue light protection at checkout! You’ll be able to find all of the best blue light glasses for kids with the kids SmartBuy Collection!

Alternatively, all of the glasses for kids will be able to have blue light protection added to the lenses at checkout if they don't already, so no one has to miss out.


Not all children wear glasses. This can feel daunting when they’re around other children who don’t. For this reason, SmartBuyGlasses believe it’s important for children to feel as confident as possible! Glasses shouldn’t be seen as something that divides them from others, in fact they should be seen as the best accessory piece to every outfit, making them the boldest, brightest, and coolest!

The Kids glasses from the SmartBuy Collection for kids are highly important to SmartBuyGlasses. We believe the right pair of glasses can boost one child’s character and self-confidence, which is why we believe it’s just as important for children to have the confidence they need, at the most important time of their lives. This is exactly why SmartBuyGlasses don’t create basic glasses. We have a pair for every little personality, so get shopping to see what frame is best for your little one!